Thursday, December 18, 2014

Rays of Hope

We held on to silence,
When we should have communicated.
We assumed things about people,
When we couldn't even hear them.
We started to dislike them,
And we didn't even convey it.
We stored it in our hearts,
And overtime it turned to hate.
We travelled far the wrong way,
And we didn't even know it.
Now we realize things,
And it's still not too late.
The wounds may still remain,
But time shall heal them.
Let's forget the wrongs,
As we retire for the night.
Let's erase the melancholy,
And dream big and sweet.
For the sun shall rise again,
With new rays of hope.

Saturday, December 6, 2014

Some quick thoughts

If you are a good person and have a good mind, you don't need to hate those who hate you. Instead, pity them and understand that the hate is because they don't realize your worth. They are travelling in the wrong path without realizing it. Forgive them, and pray that they will get back on the right track soon. Good morning.