Tuesday, April 12, 2016

A Message to the Society - Speak out against Evil

Every person became who they are today because of the environment they grew up and lived in till this moment. They are products of circumstances they didn't get to choose. Nobody does bad things for no reason. This understanding inspires empathy and kindness towards people. It also shows us that we have a great need to get rid of the ideas that reduce the peace, happiness and freedom in this world. "Bad people" are actually people who do bad things due to our collective failure to oppose bad ideas that are part and parcel of our society. 
This is not to say people shouldn't be punished for anything. Deterrent and corrective punishments should be there depending on the actions. However, the bulk of our effort should go to transforming ideas and environment instead of being angry at people. Our fear and silence towards social norms and dogma will not help. This is why I encourage everyone to think independently and challenge every single of the negative ideas in our social system. If one person speaks out, nothing much will happen. It should be a collective effort. Speak out and help transform the world, and very importantly inspire others to do the same. This helps to produce the chain reaction that brings out a significant and permanent change in the world for the good.