Thursday, July 23, 2015

Religion and My Philosophy

For years I've seen religious fanatics trying hard to prove their religion superior to others. From people trying to prove that their religious text books are infallible to errors, trying to argue that every verse is scientific, using half-baked evidences as their proofs - to people who defend cruel and discriminatory cultural practices such as labeling a section of people as lower caste and treating them like inferiors, defending massive animal slaughter to "satisfy god" and such. I haven't spoken out enough against it, even when all of it has infuriated me to the core. To accept something found in your culture or religious books blindly, to accept any established norms without questioning, is stupid and insane. Let me tell you that each religion and culture contains both good and bad aspects in varying degrees. All we should be doing is to defend the good and denounce the bad. This good and bad has to come from your own independent thoughts and questioning, rather than from established rules or norms.

God may or may not exist, but he didn't create any religion. Man did. And if God really exists, he would be feeling sorry for all of you who fight over religion. Who or what created us, has gifted us with a treasure called intellect- the power to think independently and unbiased. The power to differentiate the right from the wrong. Years of being brainwashed, and being taught the wrong things is what made us what we are today. So, when you defend the verses in any religious books or cultural practices, remember that they were written and created by man and handed down generations, often unquestioned. Do not ever persecute any human being because he or she doesn't conform to any of the established religious, social or cultural rules. No human being has the need to follow any religion, mind you. Live your life to love others and to defend the right. Let love be your religion. Reject anything that hinders this true love from reaching others' hearts. Follow your own philosophy,
respecting your heart and then your brain.

If you ask me what is my philosophy of life, it is to follow the most important principles in their order of priority.

First and foremost comes LOVE (KINDNESS: Speaking and behaving kindly to people; CARE: Checking up on people from time to time; EMPATHY: Thinking from other people's point of view and understanding their feelings).

Next, and of nearly equal importance comes INTELLECT (SKEPTICISM: The questioning attitude, not taking anything for granted; OBJECTIVITY: Being unbiased).

Then comes GENUINITY: Being yourself and not being bothered what others think of your actions. Don't live your life the way society wants you to. Take your chances so that you won't ever have to look back at your life and regret over missed opportunities.

And then, PERSISTENCE: Not giving up on your goals in spite of difficulties. Far too often, I see people get dissuaded from trying to achieve what they want due to difficulties and negativity from other people. I have my own dreams. No matter how difficult it looks, I always keep trying!

Why I emphasize qualities like kindness, care, empathy, skepticism, objectivity, genuinity and persistence is: for example ask this question to an average person what are the top seven qualities one must possess. Of course you might get a reply somewhat similar to mine at least partly. But what the average guy FOLLOWS, is different from what he SPEAKS. If you ask me what the average person follows, it is something like this: confidence, humour, style, playfulness, calmness, helpfulness, honesty. Don't get me wrong, these are good qualities, but know your priority. This is where my philosophy differs.


  1. It is very easy to show God exist logically.
    First and foremost, clear your mind and heart from any bad experience
    from any race and religion.
    Clear your mind and heart from any corrupted informations from any
    medium because actually you don't know whether it's true or not. And
    we are convinced now that the phrase "seeing is believing" is
    irrelevant anymore, with all the software and science technologies. In
    fact we don't believe, even we see it! But we believe what we really
    belief, even we don't see it. Because the 'eyes' of knowledge is more
    powerful/clearer than our naked eyes, which can be mislead, but not to
    a knowledgeable person!
    Put yourself as though you just born in the garden of heaven. You live
    here for twenty one years old(your mind and heart are pure-so your
    judgement are not bias and are pure).
    These is a logical proof that God exist.
    There is among a major religion called Islam.
    Generally its started when Muhammad received a revelation from God at
    Mount Hira (around Saudi Arabia)when he was forty years old.
    He proclaimed that he was chosen by God to be 'His' messenger and to
    preach people to Islam.
    Before Muhammad became a chosen Prophet(at 40 as he claimed)he was known to be a trustworthy person and was loved by all. After he announced his
    prophecies, almost all including his father's families, distance from
    him, hurt and offended him, some people even try to kill him.
    Amidst all the obstacle, he manage to complete God revelation called
    Quran(gradually revealed to him for 23 years). This Quran is like a
    Manual of life, just like every electronics item with its manual.
    Prophet Muhammad pbuh is a 'living' Quran. He have completed a complete
    manual(Quran)of life, creating new civilization from tribal Arabs who
    always fought each other, to a brotherhood of faith in just 23
    years(the fastest achievable by a leader in any civilization). He changed many
    worst individual to the best individual not by laws or force, but from
    his good manners and examples. Read his authentic life history.
    Now, let us analise the logic.
    When Islam came, other old religion already exist, eg. Judaism,
    Christianity, Buddhism, Hindu and a lot others.
    Lets assume Muhammad is a liar. That means the actual God does not sent him.
    Lets imagine you are the actual God(doesn't matter God of Judaism,
    Christianity, Buddhism, Hinduism or any X religion). You('God') does
    not sent this man(Muhammad) to be your messenger bringing new religion
    called Islam. What will you('God')do to him?
    Of course stop him by means of paralysing him or easily kill him! Right?
    You just need to read the Quran and his authentic life history with
    pure heart and mind, to know none other, but the TRUTH!

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. (1)Are you judging God?
    Look at the people all over the world who became a Judge, are they stupid? Don't they require some minimum academic standard to execute their positions? Can it be anybody become Judge? If you have horrible case in court that you accused for something, can you allow any illiterate or primary school dropout became your Judge? In any case/competitions/circumstances etc, the Judge will always have certain minimum criteria/standard of knowledge or experienced to be recognised as the right candidates. And is always 'above'(more experienced++) from the contestant(for entertainment industries), or an expert on the issues he/she is handling. Not vice-versa. Are you wiser than God? But God have created the Universe and what within that if you were to name it each single creation, it'll take volumes of 100/1000 books and month even years to complete! But you till this moment can't create even a piece of hair? You even use the creation of God to think (your brain) yet you want to judge God?! You are lucky God is not human, if God is human, your head might be smashed before you say/type it! There's the difference between a knowledgeable person and ignorant. You might notice in the village, in olden days, when your tv set have problem, you call someone, because everybody call him. When he came, straight away he meddle on the tv set. Turn here and there, cannot, again turn here and there. Cannot, knock the tv here and there. Still cannot, climb to the aerial, bend here and there, cannot knock the aerial. Still the tv set not ok, in fact became worst! Finally, one of the family that owned the tv fill sympathy to him, shake hand(with cash)and tell him its ok, the tv cannot be repaired, the 'technician' left feeling embarrassed and guilty. Actually the so called 'technician' have no knowledge whatsoever with regards to tv let alone solving it correctly. Previously, he solve someone tv set only by chance/luck. He doesn't know what he's doing is wrong, he thaught it was right. A day later someone introduce to the tv set owner a qualified technician. He came, ask few questions, look thoroughly all angles, ask few questions,
    think(starring at tv)simple touch +-few seconds, done! The tv set ok, function back to normal! The qualified technicians are so careful on his approach, ask questions to know the situation better, he understand it, solve the problem, all parties happy! The fake 'technician' are so bold in his approach. But his boldness are from his own ignorance. Finally he make matters worst and upset everybody. This is a metaphor of yourself - the difference between a knowledgeable person(qualified technician) and the 'fake' technician of a village guy(example of yourself).
    (2)You might don't believe the existence of God, as mentioned in your article your journey to atheism.
    If there's a building with 1000 floors, each floors 1000 units, each unit 1000 rooms, each rooms 1000 letter box and I told you, your key I put inside 1 of the letter box. Not even completed searching first floor due to fatigue for few days, you said the key was not there! If you haven't open each letter box on every rooms, every units, every floors, can you say the key is not there? Likewise, you must find God in every corner of the world. Completed, inside the earth. Completed, on every planets. Completed, on every stars. Complete searching God on the entire universe and every inch corner of it internally and externally, then you could proclaim the non-existence of God, otherwise your statement is fraud, invalid, just like you haven't open all the letter box, you proclaim the key was not there! If you want prove of the existence of God(by seing), you must prove the non-existence of God by searching all throughout the earth, planets, stars and entire universe.

  4. (3)Rohit Balakrishnan, science have proof seeing is not believing anymore, this phrase are void/outdated. On the contrary, you will believed even you don't see it! If someone show on phone to you, your mother(I'm sorry)on phonography or killing your brother, can you believe it? Of course not! You know with all the photoshop, software technologies, these all can be created! But if you believed your wife at home(informed you earlier she's at home), nobody can convinced you otherwise even you don't see her really at home. Someone told you to go back home to see whether she's really at home, you don't feel the need, because you strongly believed she's really at home.Therefore the 'eyes' of knowledge is more clearer /sharper/accurate then the eyes itself! If you don't believe the existence of something which exist, you must find it thoroughly to proof that thing really not exist. But if you believed, you don't have to find it physically. Eyes can be mislead, not Knowledge.
